Managing scanner settings via Profiles

3 min. readlast update: 05.23.2024

Scanner Profiles

Profiles are saved settings you can apply to one or multiple scanners so that you don’t have to individually configure each scanner. Different profiles will allow you to maintain:

  • Multiple unique SizeMatch settings 
  • Different access permissions for various user groups
  • Different Scan Type settings (i.e. Body Scan, Foot Scan, Hand Scan)

Editing a Scanner Profile will affect all scanners that have been assigned that particular Scanner Profile.

All scanners have a Default Configuration that can be changed by logging into BoddHub.

This feature is only available to 2 account types:

  • Owners
  • Admin


Adding a Profile

1. Start by clicking on the Profiles icon on the nav bar:

2. On the upper right corner of the page, click on "Add Profile"

3. Enter the Profile Name you would like to use. Click "Confirm"

  1. Set the Scan Experience settings and click "Save" when done.
  • Profile name - label used to identify this profile
  • Scan complete message - this is the message displayed at the end of a scan session
  • Scan Session Identifier - this is an alphanumeric value that the end user enters before starting a scan session
  • Fit selection - enable or disable a "fit" selection (such as "Male" or "Female" garment styles)
  • User scan type selection - enable or disable the option for the end user to select the scan types the unit will take during the scan session (such as Body Scan, Hand Scan, and Foot Scan) 
    • By default, profiles will only have Body Scans enabled. Please contact Support to enable Foot Scans or Hand Scans for your scanner.
  • Access group - select the user group that has access permission to view data from scans uploaded by the scanner
  • QR redirect - enable or disable displaying a URL (via QR code) on the screen of a scanner


  1. If you will be using SizeMatch, switch to the "SizeMatch" tab after saving your new profile. Add the category tags of the products that will generate size recommendations. Click "Save" when done.

Next, you will need to apply this profile to the scanner(s). 


Applying a Profile to a Scanner

1. Go to the "Scanners" to manage the units in your organisation.

This page will show you a list of scanners registered under your organisation.

Click on any of the scanners that you would like to manage.

2. Select the "Scanner profile" assigned to that scanner. This will apply all the settings saved in that profile.

3. Click "Save"

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